Colossale, the French manga that is a hit in the world
Story of two French authors who have risen to the top.
Why is shōnen so popular?
What would the manga universe be without the shōnen...
Angoulême Festival: manga as a headliner
A popularity which does not cease climbing!
Next Concert de la Côte with François-Xavier Poizat
An internationally renowned pianist not to be missed
What are the best streaming platforms for watching anime?
Our list for clarity!
How to recognize the different types of manga
To avoid getting dizzy with so many choices
Hayao Miyazaki: a feminist before his time
Anime more current than ever!
Review of Cyberpunk Edgunner
the Anime sensation of 2022 on Netflix
Pokémon: the end for Sacha and Pikachu
All good things must come to an end.
5 musical gift ideas for your 10 year old
Opt for a musical Christmas 2022
Blue Lock: the soccer anime that makes the buzz
A good alternative to the World Cup in Qatar
Offer vouchers for drawing lessons
A Christmas gift idea that will delight your children!
Popular hits influenced by classical music
Discover the impact of classical music in your favorite hits!
Do low frequencies make it easier for us to dance?
Canadian researchers are trying to answer this question!
Mangas and French rap: a linked destiny
an inexhaustible source of inspiration