
How TikTok is redefining the musical landscape

A Revolution in Industry


In the ever-changing ecosystem of the music industry, TikTok is emerging as a revolutionary cultural phenomenon, redefining the paradigms of musical discovery and virality. This platform, once known for its short dance and entertainment videos, has rapidly become an essential vector for artists seeking visibility, and an invaluable tool for record companies in their quest for new talent. In Switzerland, as elsewhere, TikTok has had a profound influence on the musical landscape, offering users the power to propel tracks from obscurity into the global spotlight.

The year 2024 marks a turning point, with the emergence of musical trends dominated by TikTok "sounds", illustrating the power of virality in the digital world. The platform has not only revolutionized the way tracks are promoted and consumed, but has also initiated a paradigm shift in the classical industry, bringing diverse musical genres to the fore and facilitating unprecedented collaborations between artists and brands.

This article explores TikTok's growing influence in the music industry, from the concept of virality to monetization strategies, and the challenges and opportunities it presents for artists and companies alike. Through case studies such as the controversial withdrawal of Universal's catalog, we examine how TikTok is redefining the success of the music industry.

The Concept of Virality on TikTok

The concept of virality on TikTok, a platform that has become a pillar of music distribution and discovery, relies on a unique alchemy of creative content, user engagement and a sophisticated algorithm. This section explores how TikTok has redefined the mechanisms of virality and their impact on the music industry.

A. Content creation and distribution

TikTok enables artists and users to create short but captivating content, often accompanied by music or performances. This ease of creation, coupled with the possibility of quickly reaching a large audience, creates an environment conducive to the viral explosion of music videos. Challenges, dances and lip-syncs become powerful vectors of musical promotion, sometimes transforming unknown tracks into worldwide hits almost overnight.

B. The TikTok Algorithm: A Virality Catalyst

TikTok's algorithm, with its "Pour Toi" page, plays a crucial role in virality. It recommends videos based on users' previous interactions, ensuring that the content posted resonates with their interests. This personalization pushes potential viral content directly in front of the eyes of those likely to appreciate and share it, amplifying its reach.

C. User Engagement: The Key to Diffusion

TikTok's structure actively encourages user engagement. Comments, shares and, above all, content creations based on original tracks contribute to the viral propagation of songs. The more a song is used in creative videos by users, the more likely it is to go viral. This engagement creates a snowball effect, where popularity begets more popularity.

D. Implications for the Music Industry

Virality on TikTok has profound implications for the music industry. Artists, labels and even companies are seeking to understand and exploit this phenomenon to promote their music. Songs can achieve unexpected success, careers can be launched, and musical trends can emerge, all thanks to virality on TikTok.

TikTok has not only changed the way music is consumed by the public, it has also brought about a paradigm shift within the traditional music industry. This upheaval affects several key aspects: the discovery of talent, the promotion of works, and the criteria for a song's success.

Paradigm shift in the music industry

A. Talent discovery

The music industry has traditionally relied on A&Rs (Artists and Repertoire) to discover new talent, often via demos or live performances. TikTok, with its ability to rapidly viralize content, now serves as a launch pad for many artists. Unknown musicians can reach a global audience without the intermediary of record labels, revolutionizing the talent discovery process.

B. Promotion and Distribution

Music promotion has also been transformed. Once centered on radio, television and traditional media, it is now moving towards social networks, with TikTok at the forefront. Songs can become global hits if they capture the attention of the TikTok community, making traditional advertising campaigns less essential to a song's success.

C. Success criteria

The success of a track is no longer measured solely by album sales or downloads, but also by the number of times a song is used in TikTok videos, its number of views, and the engagement it generates. This measure of success reflects a significant shift in the way the value of a musical work is perceived and assessed.

D. Industry reaction

The music industry is adapting to this new environment by signing licensing agreements with TikTok to ensure that creators are remunerated for the use of their music, while exploring new marketing and promotion strategies adapted to this digital age.

E. Challenges and opportunities

This paradigm shift presents both challenges and opportunities. While on the one hand it offers a democratized platform for discovery and promotion, on the other it raises questions about the durability of viral success and the need for artists to continually adapt to the ephemeral trends of social networking.

In short, TikTok is redefining the music industry landscape, forcing artists, labels and other players to rethink their strategies in a world where music is increasingly consumed through the filters of social platforms. This paradigm shift, while destabilizing for some, is paving the way for a new era of creativity and innovation in music.

Create a Trend on TikTok with a Song

Creating a trend on TikTok with a piece of music involves a combination of key ingredients: creativity, strategy, and a bit of luck. Artists, labels and even brands have discovered effective ways of capturing attention on this dynamic platform.

A. Creativity first

The first step in making a track a trend on TikTok is to stimulate users' creativity. This can be done by offering a dance challenge, a lip-sync, or some other type of engaging content that encourages users to create their own videos using the track. The aim is to make participation accessible and fun, encouraging a large number of users to get involved.

B. Using Influencers

Collaborating with TikTok influencers is a proven strategy for launching a trend. Influencers, with their large audiences, can give a huge boost to a track's visibility by creating original content that inspires their followers to do the same. A single video from a popular influencer can trigger a chain reaction leading to virality.

C. The importance of hashtags

Hashtags play a crucial role in content discovery on TikTok. By using hashtags that are relevant and popular, but also specific to the challenge or campaign launched around the track, creators increase their chances of being discovered by a wider audience. Hashtags also make it easier to track the engagement and popularity of content associated with the track.

D. Synchronization and Emotional Resonance

For a track to go viral, it must not only be catchy, but also resonate emotionally with users. Songs that express universal emotions or are synchronized with current events, collective feelings or cultural trends have a better chance of capturing the attention of TikTok users and going viral.

E. Analysis and adaptation

Finally, monitoring a track's performance and adapting strategies accordingly is essential. Creators must be willing to experiment with different types of content, publishing times, and collaborative approaches to find what resonates most with the TikTok audience.

In short, creating a trend on TikTok with a piece requires a strategic approach that leverages creativity, user engagement, and a keen understanding of the platform's dynamics. With the right elements in place, a track can quickly move from obscurity into the global spotlight, testifying to TikTok's unrivalled power in the contemporary music landscape.

Monetization on TikTok

Monetization on TikTok offers artists, content creators and brands a range of options for generating revenue from their videos. This fast-growing platform isn't just about virality and popularity; it also represents a lucrative opportunity for those who know how to navigate its ecosystem.

A. Reward Programs and Partnerships

TikTok has launched programs designed to reward creators for their innovative and engaging content. Through these initiatives, artists and creators can receive financial compensation based on the engagement and reach of their videos. In addition, brand partnerships offer sponsorship and advertising opportunities, where creators are paid to integrate specific products or messages into their content.

B. Music Use and Revenue Sharing

For music artists, TikTok represents a direct monetization platform, thanks to licensing agreements with record companies and music distributors. These agreements ensure that artists are remunerated every time their music is used in content on the platform. This revenue stream is particularly important given the central role of music in content creation on TikTok.

C. Sponsored Content and Advertising

Companies and brands are using TikTok to reach a young, engaged audience, by creating advertising campaigns or sponsoring content. Creators can take advantage of these opportunities by producing sponsored content that aligns their style and audience with brand objectives. What's more, TikTok offers a variety of advertising formats, such as "TopView" ads or sponsored challenges, enabling additional monetization for the platform and its users.

D. TikTok "Coins" and Virtual Gifts

Another source of revenue is TikTok "coins", a virtual currency that users can purchase and use to give virtual gifts to creators during live broadcasts. These gifts can then be converted by the creators into real money, creating a direct tipping system between fans and creators.

E. Challenges and Sponsored Trends

Sponsored challenges are a unique monetization method on TikTok, where brands propose a specific theme or hashtag and encourage creators to produce content around it. These campaigns not only generate engagement for the brand, but also reward creators for their innovative content and participation.

In conclusion, monetization on TikTok comes in many forms, offering creators and artists multiple avenues to capitalize on their popularity and talent. As the platform continues to grow, these monetization opportunities are likely to evolve and expand, reflecting TikTok's increasing role in the global creative economy.

TikTok and competing social platforms

TikTok's meteoric rise in the social media ecosystem has forced competing platforms to reassess their strategies and innovate to stay relevant. This competitive dynamic has spawned a series of changes and adaptations in the social networking landscape, influencing the way music is shared, discovered and consumed.

A. Competitors' response

In the face of TikTok's enormous popularity, platforms such as Instagram and YouTube have introduced new features aimed at capturing some of the engagement generated by short, viral content formats. Instagram launched "Reels", and YouTube unveiled "Shorts", two features that mimic TikTok's short video format, offering users and creators new tools for creating and sharing musical content.

B. Influence on Music Sharing

These developments underline TikTok's growing influence on the way music is promoted and shared on social networks. By providing a platform for musical challenges and viral trends, TikTok has established a new model for music discovery, prompting competing platforms to explore similar ways of engaging users and promoting musical content.

C. Adapting marketing strategies

Brands and companies, recognizing the power of viral trends on TikTok, have begun to adapt their marketing strategies on other platforms. By incorporating interactive and musical elements inspired by TikTok, advertising campaigns on Instagram, YouTube and other networks seek to creatively capture attention, tapping into users' appetite for entertaining and engaging content.

D. Evolution of the Musical Ecosystem

The rapid evolution of TikTok and its repercussion on competing platforms testify to a fundamental shift in the digital music ecosystem. Artists and labels are now faced with a multitude of channels for distributing their music, each offering unique advantages in terms of reach, engagement and viral potential. This diversity is forcing players in the music industry to be more agile and innovative in their approaches to promotion and distribution.

E. Future prospects

As TikTok continues to shape the social media landscape, competition between platforms is driving constant innovation, offering users enriching and diverse experiences. This competitive dynamic promises not only to transform the way music is shared and discovered, but also to expand horizons for content creators, artists and brands seeking to connect with audiences around the world.

In conclusion, the rise of TikTok and its influence on competing social platforms is redefining the landscape of music and digital entertainment, marking an era of unprecedented creativity, innovation and interaction in the music industry.


TikTok has undeniably revolutionized the music landscape, provoking a paradigm shift in the music industry and beyond. The platform has not only opened up new avenues for talent discovery and song virality, but has also influenced monetization strategies and competition between social networks. This transformation underlines the growing importance of digital platforms in the promotion of music and the creation of cultural trends.

Artists, labels and brands must now navigate an environment where virality on TikTok can mean global success for a track, where trend-setting can boost an artist's career, and where presence on multiple social platforms is essential to engage audiences. Constant innovation and adaptability are key to making the most of these new dynamics.

As we move forward, it's clear that TikTok will continue to play a major role in the music industry, pushing the boundaries of creativity and influencing the way music is shared, discovered and enjoyed. Challenges remain, particularly with regard to the sustainability of viral hits and copyright, but the opportunities for innovation and audience engagement have never been greater. TikTok marked the beginning of a new era for the music industry, one of unlimited possibilities.


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