Which text to choose for an audition? 4/7: Contemporary male text
https://www.apolline.art/en/theatreYou are going to audition for a school, a casting or an internship ? But you don't know which text to choose? We are here to help you!
Naruto ! Already 20 years in French!
A look back at the arrival of the manga in France.
How to memorize a text well ?
Perfect knowledge of a text is even more necessary in the theater than in front of the camera. How can you learn a (long) text without difficulty ?
How to draw feet?
Here is a technique to draw feet easily!
Apolline Fest
An event in the school's colours
Which text to choose for an audition ? 3/7: Contemporary women's text
You are going to audition for a school, a casting or an internship ? But you don't know which text to choose ? We are here to help you !
Osamu Tezuka
God of manga
Voice work in theater 3/3 : vocal power
The voice is the actor's main tool on stage. Here are some techniques to master this tool which requires some practice and specific training.
How to draw hands?
Hands, you prefer to hide them in pockets rather than draw them! And it's normal, when you don't have the little technique, it's a complicated step. But once you have it, everything becomes easier!
Singing out of tune: What to do about it?
Several techniques and tricks to finally assume your voice!
Which text to choose for an audition ? 2/7: Classical male text
You are going to audition for a school, a casting or an internship ? But you don't know which text to choose ? We are here to help you!
Clichés in manga
Have you noticed these similarities?
Voice work in theater 2/3: breathing
The voice is the actor's main tool on stage. How to master this tool which requires a certain practice and a specific training ?
What is sharingan?
This is the spinning copy eye!
How to improvise in music? (2/2)
Several tips to achieve great solos!