Music Workshop


Play in a band! This is the finality, the goal we aim for when we start an instrument. At Apolline, we are convinced of the need to have our students play together, as soon as possible. Whether you have taken guitar, singing, bass, drums or piano lessons, or any other instrument, this class is for you! Often, 1 to 2 years of experience is enough. For any student, group play allows you to concretize the work done in the instrument class. It is a source of pleasure and an essential motivation to progress.

Objectives and skills

Accompanied by a teacher, taking on the role of musician in the band, the students will build up a repertoire of several pieces. These may be covers or compositions, in the styles of music of their choice, according to the wishes of the group. At the end of the year, Apolline allows its groups to play on several local stages, giving them the experience of the stage.

L'apprentissage de la musique avec Apolline

How do you get out of the usually rigid framework of the early years of musical learning found in most schools in Switzerland? 

Based in Lausanne, Apolline has a different philosophy. Rather than offering children and teenagers the opportunity to learn in individual lessons, the emphasis is on lessons in small groups - of 2 or even 3 students, depending on the instrument. Working in a group offers many advantages to students who are beginners or with little experience. To find out more, see our article cours de musique privés VS semi-privés.




Cours Duration Monthly price* One price**
Current music workshop - Apolline's student 60 minutes hebdomadaire 55.00 CHF 600.00 CHF
Current music workshop - outside student 60 minutes hebdomadaire 95.00 CHF 1'100.00 CHF

* 12 monthly payments from September to August (voir notre règlement).
** Price for the payment of the whole year's courses in one payment.

Prices are valid for annual registration (courses from September to June). All fees are included in the prices listed. Registration during the year is possible (prorated according to the number of remaining courses)

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Visual Arts - Music - Theatre - Musical Comedy

Inscriptions 2024-2025