The procedure to follow
This is the big dream of many! The process to participate in The Voice is extremely simple and free: the only thing you have to do is to make a live video. Of course, it sounds easy, when you put it that way, but it is important to know that all the children who have been able to participate in The Voice Kids have, with rare exceptions, taken classes before registering. They have trained a lot, so that they have a better chance of being selected.
Did you know that the Apolline school in Lausanne helps you to realize your projects: one of your children wants to participate in The Voice? We will be happy to coach him/her both in terms of vocal technique and in the preparation of his/her file! Accompanying our students is at the heart of our approach ! To know more about it ?
Once the video is ready, just fill out this form: http://itvstudiosfrance.fr/casting-the-voice
That's the end of our special song file and we hope you enjoyed it! If you would like us to address a particular topic, please feel free to ask us on Facebook or by filling out our contact form.
Read our previous chapter: how to sing right and higher?