A character is rarely standing upright, straight on.
In part 1 of "How to draw a manga girl?", we started to sketch the body. We will now modify it a little bit so that it is more natural. Indeed a body is rarely straight as a post, it is alive, so the limbs are often curved, moving.
Giving movement
It is enough to move some circles of place while respecting the distances that there was between them. Thus one can move the arms and the legs, mount them on the side. If we wanted to move them against the front or the back, we would have to modify the distances between the circles, shorten the limbs, but that's another story. Let's start with the simplest one.
Here we have simply tilted the face, raised an arm and raised a leg.
Draw the face
Start to sketch the face, the two eyes away from the same distance from the middle, you must be able to put at least one eye between the two. The nose lower than the eyes and the mouth a little lower. An article on How to draw a manga face can give you more details.
To draw eyes, nose and mouth, hair in more detail, you can also look at the articles: How to draw manga eyes? How to draw a nose? and How to draw manga hair?
Drawing the clothes
This is where you will understand why we always draw the body without clothes first. This is because we draw the clothes leaving a small distance to the body when the clothes are tight and a big distance when the clothes are wide. If we don't know where the body is, we can't leave the right distance and our character will look like a lego, without shape, without curve and without clothes that are off the body.
Draw hands and feet
For more details, see the articles: How to draw the hands? and How to draw the feet?
If you can't, a technique that works well is to imitate the position of your character and take a picture of yourself. This way you can understand where the different body parts, fingers and toes go and copy if necessary.
N'hesites jamais à effacer et modifier quand quelque chose te paraît étrange, une épaule trop haute, un mollet trop prononcé, un pied trop court, des yeux trop écartés (d'ailleurs sur ce personnage les yeux sont peut-être un peu trop écartés.)
Efface aussi les traits de construction afin d'y voir plus clair.
Draw an emotion
Right now our manga girl looked pretty sad. If you like this emotion, you can leave it like that but you can also make her get angry by frowning or make her smile. Here we just raised the corner of her mouth slightly to make her look more playful.
Draw the details
Here we add some jewels but it's up to you to decide which accessory you want to add. Have fun!
All that's left to do is to perfect the drawing by observing it closely, from a distance, in precision, in general, by erasing and redrawing all the little things you don't like.
And that's it!
For the outline and the color, don't miss the last article of How to draw a manga girl (part 3)!
To improve your drawing techniques, nothing is better than to practice regularly and even better, to be accompanied by a professional. If you want to take drawing classes, don't hesitate to sign up for the manga drawing classes to learn how to draw your favorite characters and perfect your drawing techniques in Lausanne, Morges, Montreux, Biel and Delémont. And to deepen your knowledge even more, you can take part in the comic/manga drawing vacation camps that take place throughout French-speaking Switzerland during the school vacations!